All Staff Required Training Videos

  1. Employee Portal Orientation
    1. Video (15 min):
    2. Test/Certification:
  1. History & About Us:
    1. Video (14 min):
    2. Test/Certification:
    3. Bonus: Watch the KSPS History Documentary
    4. Bonus: Read the About Us History Page (hint: dates and names of people and business are important!).
  2. Dress Code:
    1. Video (10 min):
    2. Test/Certification:
  3. Scheduling:  Employee Scheduling & Shift Coverage
    1. Video (4 min):
    2. Test/Certification:
  4. Hospitality Workplace Safety Training:
      1. Watch Fire Extinguisher Videos:
      2. Watch Fire Extinguisher Videos #2:
      3. Watch Ladder Video:
      4. “Complete Work Place Safety Training Checklist” and submit to your manager
  5. Customer Service
    1. Video (30 min): COMING SOON!
    2. Test/Certification:
  6. Dishwasher
    1. Video #1: 
    2. Video #2: *You may skip: 7 min 50 sec to 9min 45**
    3. Examine the Commellini Dishwashing machine, ask questions to manager or other employees
    4. Schedule Practical Dishwashing Test (preview test here)
  7. Event Server/Staff
    1. Watch All Event Server (their are 8 of them):
    2. Take Event Server/Staff Online Test
  8. Bartender 
    1. 1. Watch Commellini Bar Tutorial:
    2. 2. Review Bar Handbook 

Server & Event Staff Training Videos

Kitchen Equipment Training

Bartender Training

Event Coordinator Training

Maintenance Crew

Ladder Safety

Eye On Safety: Record Keeping & Safety

 Heat: A Dangerous Combination

Safe Driving Habits (Part1)

Safe Driving Habits (Part 2)

Additional Videos