Drive Thru Easter Egg Hunt
Update 4/10/20: How to Submit Egg Guess Clarified Below
Update 4/9/20: Find Egg Hunt Map Below
4.9.20 | 12- 6 PM
4.10.20 | 12- 6 PM
4.11.20 | 11AM- 3 PM
Easter is right around the corner, and we recognize that the importance of social distancing may limit some more traditional festivities. However, in the spirit of safety and community, beginning this Thursday, 4/9/20, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM and going through Saturday April 11th, Commellini Estate will be hosting a Drive Through Easter Egg Hunt! Our resident bunny has been hard at work, hiding an “undisclosed” amount of eggs at the Estate (all viewable from inside your car). On arrival, hunters will have the opportunity to count the amount of eggs they can spot from the safety of their vehicle, and submit their guess through Instagram or Facebook. The closest guesses will be entered to win a series of fun prizes.
To aid your adventure, an Easter Egg Hunt map + additional instructions is available for download below. Don’t forget to pickup a Gourmet Meal or Meal Kit from our curbside Pickup crew while you’re searching the Estate!
Of course, we ask that everyone remain in their vehicles & leave all eggs in place for other “hunters” to find. Good luck and happy hunting!
These amazing local business have donated to the prizes. We highly recommend you check them out because they are awesome!
Colladay Leather | TWO Pairs of Petal Earrings | Key Fob | Small Card Wallet
Little Garden Cafe | TWO Pans of Cinnamon Rolls | $20.00 Gift Card
Ritters Garden and Gift | TWO Hanging Floral Baskets
Festooning Lettering | THREE Giant Hand Illustrated Coloring Poster
Hello Sugar | FIVE certificates for TWO Dozen Donuts & TWO Drinks of Choice (Valley Location)
Commellini Estate | $50 Gift Card for Cooking Classes | Family DIY Pizza Meal Kit |
Date Night Roman-Style Pizza Kit with Dinner, Wine, and Commellini Custom Aprons
How to Hunt:
- As mentioned, our resident bunny has been hard at work, hiding an “undisclosed” amount of eggs at the Estate (all viewable from inside your car).
- Prior to arrival at Commellini Estate, please be sure to print our official Egg Hunt Map which will help guide you through the designated searching area.
- Once you arrive, it’s time to keep your eyes peeled! The colorful eggs will be creatively hidden around the route on your map, and it’s your job to spot and count as many of these eggs as you can from the safety of your vehicle.
- Your ultimate goal is to spot and count as many eggs as you can. Once finished counting, be sure to submit your egg total via Instagram or Facebook (see below). Note you must work as a team as you are allowed only one guess per vehicle for the entire duration of the contest.
- But that’s not all! As an appreciation for our hunters, we’ve hidden one extra special egg. Be sure to be on the lookout for the GOLDEN Egg!
How to Submit your Egg Count Guess:
- Be sure to take a picture WHILE you are at the Estate. Any picture from your hunt will do, but a photo at the Estate is required to verify that you actually did the “hunt” and did not just make a guess online. (Unfortunately without this photo, we will not be able to accept your guess).
- Next, post your fun and creative picture on Instagram or Facebook with your total egg count guess and be sure to tag the following local businesses: @Commelliniestate @hellosugar @festoon_lettering @lgcafe @colladayleather @rittersgarden
- Common Question: How do you know if we’ve seen your post & your guess is recorded? Commellini Estate will individually like your post by the end of business on the day of your post. If you didn’t receive a like, please direct message us on your chosen platform so we may verify your guess.
- Special Facebook Note: please ensure your post is set to “public,” the @commelliniestate tag is clickable and it takes you to our page. Only then will Facebook notify us of your post.
- Special Instagram Note: due to Instagram’s settings, the only way we are notified of your post is if you follow Commellini Estate AND we follow you back. After verification of your post (the like), if you would like to maintain your account’s privacy, please notify us through direct messenger and we will unfollow you at your request.
- Those expert hunters who found and count the number of eggs closest to the actual total hidden will be entered to win a series of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. If multiple hunters submit the exact number of eggs or the same guess, each name will be drawn from a hat at random to determine the official winner of the prizes.
- Be sure to post your picture and guess no later than Monday 4/13/2020 at noon. Winners will be announced on Tuesday 4/14 by 5PM.
Driving Rules & Social Distancing Regulations:
This event was created as a fun FREE community event for guests to be able to enjoy some Easter fun while still maintaining all safety precautions and adhering to strict social distancing guidelines. We hate to be sticklers here, but our goal to is to keep everyone safe. In order to do this, and to keep the event moving at a fun pace we require that you follow these guidelines:
- REMAIN in your vehicle at ALL times. If you get out of your vehicle to hunt for eggs, your guess will NOT count toward the prizes and you will be asked to leave immediately.
- Keep a 5mph pace (No more, no less). Please be considerate of all drivers. If there is a car behind you be sure to KEEP moving at 5 mph pace. If you feel you need to go through again to double check your egg counts, that is okay. However, do NOT stop if there is a vehicle behind you. If there are no vehicles behind you, feel free to take your time.
Read All Official Rules Here
By downloading the Egg Hunt Map & Instructions, You, the Contestant,
have affirmatively reviews, accepted, and agree to all of the Official Rules.

One common question we have received is, “How do I know if my Egg Guess was Recorded/Received? The answer is, Commellini Estate will individually “like” your post by the end of business on the day of your post.
If you didn’t receive a like, it means we have not received your guess. This could be due to a couple reasons, primarily due to personal account settings. See tips below:
a. If you posted on Facebook, please ensure your post is set to “public,” the @commelliniestate tag is clickable and it takes you to our page. Only then will Facebook notify us of your post. If you already posted simply go in to edit your post and reset it to “public”
b. If you posted on Instagram: due to Instagram’s settings the only way we are notified of your post is if you follow Commellini Estate AND we follow you back. After verification of your post (the like), if you would like to maintain your account’s privacy, please notify us through direct messenger and we will unfollow you at your request.
If none of this makes sense or you are having trouble, please direct message us on your chosen platform so we may verify your guess
Great job on the cute Easter egg hunt!
Great idea!
This was wonderful! My five year old granddaughter was so excited! Especially when she saw the giant golden egg. She wondered what was in it and decided there was a giant chocolate Kiss.